Elian — Enam | Last.fm

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Elian — Enam | Last.fm

Enam was born in 1975. His mother inspired him musically at an early age with her singing in a choir and her playing the accordion, organ and guitar. Enam started experimenting with these instruments and the two sang harmonies together. After an orientation in various musical styles he happened upon African music and started playing djembe.


Misereatori — Enam | Last.fm

Enam was born in 1975. His mother inspired him musically at an early age with her singing in a choir and her playing the accordion, organ and guitar. Enam started experimenting with these instruments and the two sang harmonies together. After an orientation in various musical styles he happened upon African music and started playing djembe.


The Wherryman — Enam | Last.fm

Enam started experimenting with these instruments and the two sang harmonies together. After an orientation in various musical styles he happened upon African music and started playing djembe. An interest in ethnic as well as ethereal music grew. Enam started composing at the age of 21 after he purchased his first synth.


Enam lineup, biography | Last.fm

Enam was born in 1975. His mother inspired him musically at an early age with her singing in a choir and her playing the accordion, organ and guitar. Enam started experimenting with these instruments and the two sang harmonies together. After an orientation in various musical styles he happened upon African music and started playing djembe.


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For a Long Time to Go — Enam | Last.fm

Enam started experimenting with these instruments and the two sang harmonies together. After an orientation in various musical styles he happened upon African music and started playing djembe. An interest in ethnic as well as ethereal music grew. Enam started composing at the age of 21 after he purchased his first synth.


Enam music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fm

Enam was born in 1975. His mother inspired him musically at an early age with her singing in a choir and her playing the accordion, organ and guitar. Enam started experimenting with these instruments and the two sang harmonies together. After an orientation in various musical styles he happened upon African music and started playing djembe.
